What Happened to Renee Zellweger? Did She or Did She Not Get Plastic Surgery Done?


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The world is abuzz with Renee Zellweger’s new look.

The 44 yr old actress, most beloved for her portrayal of Bridget Jones in the 2001 film adaptation, sent the world talking 2 days ago when appeared for Elle’s 21st annual Women in Hollywood Awards, looking like an entirely different woman. Plastic surgery rumours are flying around, with people expressing everything from shock to disgust.

Renee has broken her silence, responding to the outcry:
“I’m glad folks think I look different. I’m living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I’m thrilled that perhaps it shows,” … “My friends say that I look peaceful. I am healthy”

Hollywood has never been kind to their leading actresses. They are expected to stay forever young, without going for plastic surgery. Wrinkles are frowned upon (pardon the pun), promptly an epidemic of overly Botoxed ladies who couldn’t laugh or cry very much.

What Exactly Happened with Renee? 

Renee noticeably avoided the issue of plastic surgery in her response. Looking at her photos, the major difference in her features would be her eyes. Her eyes are noticeably bigger, less heavy, and her brows – more low set. It is likely she had some work done to remove excess skin in her upper lids, as well as remove some fat above the eyes. Some Botox may have also contributed to the change in eyebrow appearance, and of course, the flawless, smooth forehead.

One main reason contributing to her looking different is probably her weight loss. She has lost weight, and this shows on her face – making her look more tired. However, note that her cheeks still look full – it is likely that she had fillers done to her cheeks to maintain its youthfulness. This – a combination of overall loss of weight with maintained cheek volume, has also contributed to her looking vastly different from her old self.

Renee-Zellweger-short-straight-haircut BotoxLastly – her hairstyle has changed quite a bit; the final piece in the puzzle.

In all fairness, Renee still looks great! Her skin is glowing, and she looks fresh. Her eyes looks bigger, allowing us to focus on it more. Its just that, we all miss her during Bridget Jones days. The chubby cheeks, the squinty eyes when she smiles…

If anything, she certainly looks better now than she did in 2008 (pic on left). The smile on the left is typical of someone who has had too much Botox – resulting in a smile with little upper face movements, and an awkward bunching up of the cheeks – the “insincere smile” of Botox.

Renee is very clear that this is the new, “healthier, more peaceful and happier” her. Wishing her all the best in her new film; and the rumoured upcoming Bridget Jones Diary Part 3!