Jennifer Lopez named Most Beautiful Woman in the World


Jennifer Lopez has been named People Magazine’s Most Beautiful Woman this year.
Jennifer Lopez, who was just battling poor record sales last year, makes a dramatic comeback this year with a new album, appearance on one of the most watched shows on TV, and looking better than ever. The 41 year old superstar reveals that being beautiful is not easy though; it involves an intense exercise regime and a strict diet: “I don’t want anybody thinking it’s easy. It does take time and it’s hard work. HDTV wide-screen is nobody’s friend!”
And I totally agree with People Magazine. Jennifer Lopez still looks gorgeous despite being a mother of a pair of twins. Week after week, she never fails to impress with her flawless, glowing skin week and immaculate fashion sense on Idol. Being on American Idol has also allowed the world to know her better. And in a business where pretty faces and rock solid abs are a dime a dozen, it is Jennifer Lopez’s warm personality which sets her apart from the rest.
A well-deserved honour indeed!