
label/sun tanning - search results

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Hair removal Dr Siew

Everything You Should Know About IPL/ Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal ranks as one of the most commonly performed non-invasive cosmetic procedures in the USA. I have more and more patients -...

Sun Damage – A Shocking Image That Will Make You Stay Away From The...

A shocking case presented in The New England Journal Of Medicine may just be the deterrent doctors need to encourage their patients to give...

Pigmentation – Melasma: What You Need to Know, and How You Can Treat it.

A woman with melasma, undergoing combination treatments Melasma is a very common skin condition, with patches of brown to greyish discolourations on the skin, most...

Then and Now – A Work in Progress with Botox, Lasers, and Lots of...

A few days ago, I chanced upon a passport photo of myself taken in 2004, back in the days when sun worshiping was still...