Dual Wave RadioFrequency Treatment for Multiple Skin Concerns – Pigmentation, Redness, Laxity, Texture


Microneedling is the use of needles inserted into the skin, to create microinjuries in the skin. This allows the skin to regenerate itself, and also active skin ingredients to penetrate better. While microneedling used to involve only mechanical and no energy delivery, newer microneedling treatments deliver Radiofrequency energy into different skin depths to treat different skin concerns.

One of the big innovations in microneedling came when Dr Ph.D. Jongju Na, from South Korea discovered that we can vary the pulse shape of the radiofrequency waves to not only tighten skin, but also to target pigmentation, and vascular structures – which have traditionally being treated with lasers. With this in mind, the first generation Sylfirm was created to treat pigmentation, skin tone and skin redness.

Sylfirm X is the newer generation version of the treatment, which incorporates both pulsed-waves and continuous waveforms, to also tighten skin, improve skin texture such as pores and acne scars.

Due to its versatility, and its non-invasive nature, I use the treatment daily in my clinical practice. By varying needle depth, waveform, and energy levels, we can customise the treatment to address almost all skin concerns in my patients. This is my article in Health Today , about how Sylfirm X can improve your skin, and rejuvenate your your skin!