Fractional Laser Resurfacing: A Day by Day Account


The term “Fractional Laser Resurfacing” often conjures up horrifying images of bleeding, swelling, peeling, and spending a week in recluse away from friends and colleagues.

It is not that bad, actually. There is no clinical downtime -meaning you can still go about all your normal activities, provided you take care to avoid the sun.

There is a social downtime of about 5 days, during which your face will be red, then brown, resembling a sunburn.
To give everyone a better idea of how your skin may look like during the aftermath from Mixto, I have decided to chronicle my own healing process after the procedure, giving a day by day account of the downtime period.

The process took 6 days in total, during which I still continued going to work, shopping, and hitting the gym, without turning any heads. And the radiant post-laser skin makes all the inconvenience more than worth it!

See the Day by Day Account of the Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing downtime on my facebook page:


  1. Hi Frankie,<br /><br />Fraxel uses a different laser medium (Er-Glass), and so it has some strengths and weaknesses compared to Mixto. <br /><br />Depending on the skin condition, I sometimes choose Fraxel, sometimes Mixto, and sometimes use a combination of both Lasers..

  2. Hi Dr Siew,<br /><br />I have done a few rounds of mixto, but though results are good, my face seems to lose its original plumpness so that though the texture is better, I seem to have aged Alot and lost my original youthfulness because the skin seems to have been layered down. Do you have any fillers etc or treatment to restore the plumpness in the skin so it does not look so worn down. Thanks.

  3. Hi Dr Siew,<br /><br />I have done a few rounds of mixto. Though the skin texture has improved quite abit, but in the pieces my skin has been layered down quite a fair bit so that I have lost the youthful plumpness of my original skin. would you have any treatments available so that I can restore the plumpness I once had, because I now look Alot older as a result and am greatly bothered. PS I

  4. Dear M, <br /><br />Fillers will be a good solution to make you look more youthful by restoring the plumbness to your face… In our clinic, we use Restylane and Juvederm. <br /><br />I will need to take a look before I can advise you further. If you can come down to clinic for a consult, that would be great!